The only breeding that will reliably produce more than 50% merles is tricolor to homozygous merle, the latter being the often blind, deaf, and/or sterile whites sometimes produced by merle-to-merle breedings. The rare healthy homozygous merles are thus potentially useful for producing merles, though the majority are destroyed at birth. Merri Lon the Blue Tail Fly ROM was one of the first, if not the first, homozygous merles advertised at stud nationally, and certainly the first to sire 10 Champions. Merri Lon The Blue Tail Fly ROM
Producing Record
History of Merri Lon The Blue Tail Fly ROM
"Fly" was bred by the Petersons (Merri Lon) from Ch Freedobev Apache Blue ex their Ch Merri Lon Night Shadows. He was whelped April 29, 1970, and while he could not be shown, he was often on display at specialty show sites. He sired 10 Champions. He is Line CHE Part IIb and Family 12 Part II.
Return to Index Photograph of Merri Lon The Blue Tail Fly ROM
Browne Acres Blu Toby of Pocono (blue merle Ch Apple Acres True Blue CD (blue merle) Kiloren Silver Chord (blue merle) Ch Freedobev Apache Blue CD (blue Merle) Ch Abershel Brigand (sable) Tobruk's Midnight Fantasy (tricolor) Intrigue of Tobruk (sable) Merri Lon The Blue Tail Fly ROM (homozygous merle) Ch Shelt-E-Ain Reflection o'Knight ROM (tricolor) Ch Kiloren Nightstorm o'Alandie (tricolor) Crazy Quilt of Pocono (blue merle) Ch Merri Lon Night Shadows (blue merle Ch Kiloren Night Apache (tricolor) Bilgowan Boston Bargain (blue merle) Ch Sealect Silver Cheer (blue merle)Return to Index
1. Ch Don-Ra Blue Boy of Merri Lon (D) (ex Badgerton Irma La Douce 11-67)
Producing Record of Merri Lon The Blue Tail Fly ROM
2. Ch Exeter Hills Blue Genes (D) (ex Willow Wand Mia O' Exeter Hills 6-72)
3. Ch Flair Barely Blue (D) (ex Flair April Showers 10-71)
4. Ch Luvzalot My Sweet Thing (B) (ex Elf Dale Triple Crown 9-75)
5. Ch Lynwood's Dominique Hobo (D) (ex Classic Gem of Lynwood 12-73)
6. Ch Lynwood's Rhapsody In Blue (B) (ex Classic Gem of Lynwood 12-73)
7. Ch Merri Lon Clair De Lune (B) (ex Merri-Lon Bells In My Heart 8-71)
8. Ch Merri Lon Mr. Silver Pal CD (D) (ex Merri Lon Woodbine 10-73)
9. Ch Merri Lon Pencil Sketch (B) (ex Merri Lon Charcoal Sketch 2-75)
10. Ch Raunholdt's Blueberry Muffin (B) (ex Royalheirs Little Miss Mufet 4-68)
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