Pris ROM


Producing Record

History of Pris ROM

Pris ROM was a sable bitch, bred by Mary Hayes from Ch Sea Isle Serenade ROM ex Sea Isle Dusky Belle and whelped December 21, 1962. (This was a repeat of the breeding that produced Ch Malpsh the Duke of Erle and Malpsh Her Royal Madjesty ROM.) Pris produced 5 Champions. She is Line CHE Part IId and Family 12 Part III.

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Photograph of Pris ROM

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               Ch Prince George o'Page's Hill ROM
          Am/Can Ch Nashcrest Golden Note ROM
               Nashcrest Rhythm
     Ch Sea Isle Serenade ROM
               Am/Can Ch Nashcrest Golden Note ROM
          Ch Sea Isle Serenata
               Ch Sea Isle Sandra
Pris ROM
               Ch Brandell's Break-A-Way II ROM
          Am/Can Ch Pixie Dell Bright Vision ROM
               Ch Va-Gore's Bright Promise ROM
     Sea Isle Dusky Belle
               Ch Sheltieland Kiltie o'Sea Isle
          Bagaduce Hannah of Sea Isle
               Bagaduce Dinah
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Producing Record of Pris ROM

1. Ch Malpsh Golden Dancer (B) (by A/C Ch Malpsh Great Scott ROM)
2. Ch Malpsh Kathy's Clown (B) (by A/C Ch Malpsh Great Scott ROM)
3. Ch Malpsh Spookey (B) (by A/C Ch Malpsh Great Scott ROM)
4. Ch Malpsh Windhover Sorcery (B) (by Ch Lingard Sealect Bruce ROM)
5. Ch Malpsh Windhover Witchery (B) (by A/C Ch Malpsh Great Scott ROM)

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