Am/Can Ch Malpsh Great Scott ROM CC


Producing Record

History of Am/Can Ch Malpsh Great Scott ROM

Am/Can Ch Malpsh Great Scott ROM was a sable dog, bred by Mary A. Hayes from Ch Lingard Sealect Bruce ROM ex Malpsh Her Royal Madjesty ROM and whelped November 23, 1963. "Scotty" won best of breed at the ASSA National in 1966 and again in 1967. He amassed a total of 103 Best of Breed wins between 1964 and 1968. He sired 22 Champions. He is in Line CHE Part IIc and Family 12 Part III.

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Photograph of Am/Can Ch Malpsh Great Scott ROM

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               Ch Prince George o'Page's Hill ROM
          Am/Can Ch Nashcrest Golden Note ROM
               Nashcrest Rhythm
     Ch Lingard Sealect Bruce ROM
               Geronimo Prince Royal
          Timberidge Sandstorm
               Sea Isle Singing Sands
Am/Can Ch Malpsh Great Scott ROM
               Am/Can Ch Nashcrest Golden Note ROM
          Ch Sea Isle Serenade ROM
               Ch Sea Isle Serenata
     Malpsh Her Royal Madjesty ROM
               Am/Can Ch Pixie Dell Bright Vision ROM
          Sea Isle Dusky Belle
               Bagaduce Hannah of Sea Isle

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Producing Record of Am/Can Ch Malpsh Great Scott ROM

1. Ch Beltane Solitaire (B) (ex Rorralore Renata 4-64)
2. Ch Briarwood Carey's Clown (D) (ex Briarwood Yellow Gold 4-66)
3. Ch Debonair's Prince Scott (D) (ex Ch Malpsh Devil Doll 1-69)
4. Ch Honeywynd's Rob Roy (D) (ex Nightfalls Tradd CD 9-68)
5. Ch Ken-Robs Bobbie (D) (ex Ch Stylish Miss of Hatfield ROM)
6. Ch Ken-Robs Kenny (D) [7] (ex Ch Stylish Miss of Hatfield ROM)
7. Ch Lanbur's Great Fortune (D) (ex Poetess of Astolat 3-62)
8. Ch Lanbur's Mostly Mischief (B) (ex Chisterling Charade 3-68)
9. Ch Malpsh Golden Dancer (B) (ex Pris ROM)
10. Ch Malpsh Kathy's Clown (B) (ex Pris ROM)
11. Ch Malpsh Sandman of Robinaire (D) (ex Marjan's Dream Maker 3-66)
12. Ch Malpsh Spookey (B) (ex Pris ROM)
13. Ch Malpsh Windhover Witchery (B) (ex Pris ROM)
14. Ch Mar Jan's Royal Scott (D) (ex Ch Marjan's Majorette)
15. Ch Marjan's Mystery of Sea Isle (B) (ex Ch Marjan Rorralore Riddle)
16. Ch Marjan's Mystic Scot o' Sea Isle (D) (ex Ch Marjan Rorralore Riddle)
17. Ch Neilly O'Havic (B) (ex Moll Flanders O'Havic 2-73)
18. Ch Nightfall's Star Bright (B) (ex Northern Isle Simmer's Dim 2-67)
19. Ch Ronann's Tawny Miss (B) (ex Ronann's Hopeful Cinderella 10-65)
20. Ch Sparkling Sherry of Aron-Kae (B) (ex Ch Marjan Rorralore Riddle)
21. Ch Sugar Hill's Aron-Kae Glory Be (B) (ex Aron-Kae Lollipop of Kimsham 2 67)
22. Ch Timewell's Something Special (B) (ex Tangerine of Sealect 8-68)

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